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Lost days, pictures fade.
Friday, January 8, 2010

Thank you for supporting my blogs, thank you for helping me, thank you for scolding me, thank you for correcting my mistakes, thank you for your caring, thank you for everything all of you've did to me. I finally understood something inside my heart, I felt it. More like a needle poke into my heart and those are already gone but now. It's a new starting of the year, 2010.

It's been a complicated year and it's been a confusion year too. But this is only the starting not the ending, it's like the next chapter of your life. This year, I've promised to be hardworking and pay more attention during class.

To some of you, I might be hopeless, useless, stupid, brainless, idiotic, selfish, flirty and whatever you've think of me well, that's what you think. This is not my true character, well you won't know until you've know me for years. I may be happy outside but in the inside I'm hurt and all of you don't know this cause I won't tell anyone what's going on in my heart right now it's all sadness. When I tell you all about those sadness things in my heart, you might not think is important but to me, it's hurtful, very hurtful to me. I might have a strong personality but it's a no I'm not strong at all I'm afraid of everything around me. You don't trust me it's okay but this is the truth that's why I kept this blog a secret. I don't want anybody else to think that I'm always having a happy life or whatever, eventually I don't. It's all about sadness in my life, I could forget about the past if you want me to but no matter what it's still a memory in my brain or maybe next time I'm older I might forget those sadness. Sometimes when I did something wrong I really wish that god would just punish me. I don't dislike/hate anybody, really and why should I dislike/hate you with no reasons? It's stupid okay?

So, this is me. This is my now. A moment like this is once in a life time you're gonna have. A happy life. I still believe. Love stories are true. Sad stories too. Happens every seconds, minutes and hours. I'm not everything you wanted me to be cause I'm not a robot. I'm not perfect. I'm just born to be Angeline Yap and I'm born to be who I truly am.